Reset, Refresh, Renew
As we enter a new year, we cannot help but to already start looking forward; visualize a twelve month path laid out in front of you, and you’re standing on day one. Too often, we forget to start where we are, and instead jump out ahead of our present reality. Being proactive by looking ahead and planning is a wonderful behavior to practice regularly, so long as your vision starts where you are presently.
Honor Your Why
It all comes down to honoring your why. Everyone’s why is different, but just as equally important. Our why is what drives us. It is what pushes us forward when we feel we have nothing left to give.
When Values are Clear, Decisions are Easy
During the COVID-19 pandemic that started that escalated in 2020, over 20 million people lost their jobs in the US alone. In the first 3 months of the pandemic, people who had lost their job were faced with a difficult decision about their likelihood.
Your Journey to Self-Discovery Starts Today
Getting started on the journey to self-discovery can seem overwhelming and, at times, impossible; “where do I start?”, “how do I know I’m on the right track?”, “how do I even know if I would benefit from this journey?”.