Newsletter; July, 2023

Happy July! Each month we strive to provide you with a variety of helpful resources, tips, and practices to support your continued success, both personally and professionally. Because we work with a diverse demographic of clients, industries, and backgrounds, we aim to provide content equally as diverse. If a particular section doesn't resonate with you, that's okay! Our hope is that everyone can find at least one gold nugget per issue. 

Below, you will find information on this month's article from Crum Consulting, this month's development challenge, as well as general wellness reminders. We have a number of knowledge-forward articles available that explore a variety of professional and personal topics, all of which will challenge your current perspective, and push your continued growth. Each month, we aim to provide you with a new challenge to help facilitate your ongoing growth. These challenges will range in topics and applications, in an effort to focus on a variety of aspects of your life. If you are a recurring client with us, we will be following up on this month's challenge with you in session. If you don't currently have any sessions set up with us, and would like to discuss this challenge and others like it, please feel free to reach out to schedule a session with us! You can reply directly here if we have worked together in the past. If you are a new client, please click here to fill out a consultation form, and we will be in touch to schedule a session with you. We also provide new wellness reminders in the form of our stretch of the month, and wellness tip. Regardless of your background, these reminders will help improve your day to day health and wellness.

July Article: This month's article is an oldie but a goodie, and aligns with our challenge and wellness tip of the month: Your Journey to Self-Discovery Starts Today. Getting started on the journey to self-discovery can seem overwhelming and, at times, impossible; “where do I start?”, “how do I know I’m on the right track?”, “how do I even know if I would benefit from this journey?”. If you’re unsure whether or not you would benefit from self-discovery, answer the following questions for yourself: Do you feel lost? Do you struggle to make seemingly easy decisions? Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in the mud, spinning your wheels, with no idea how to get out? Let me tell you something, you are not alone. If you have any questions surrounding this month's article, or would like to further explore opportunities, please feel free to reach out to schedule a session with us! You can reply directly here if we have worked together in the past. If you are a new client, please click here to fill out a consultation form, and we will be in touch to schedule a session with you.

July Challenge: I challenge you to play hookie for one day this month.
If you are interested in more content on these topics, we recommend reading our Wait, I Can Do That? article.

→The rules are simple:
1) It has to be a day you’d normally work (you can schedule your hookie day in advance to avoid professional consequences, so long as it is a normal work day).
2) You can’t look at work the entire day. No peeking!!
3) You have to unplug completely; put those devices away (unless you’re taking pictures).
4) You have to do something you normally don’t have time to do. This can include things such as: do absolutely nothing, movie marathon, spa day, go fishing, read a book outside in your hammock, take a bubble bath, go to the beach…or lake…or river…find water, tend your garden, go for a drive and have a picnic in nature, etc.

Stretch of the month: Camel pose - this stretch can help build a sense of confidence and empowerment, improve posture, and counteract the effects of prolonged sitting, such as slouching and kyphosis (abnormal curvature of the spine). It may help relieve back pain. Click the (external) link to learn more, or simply google "camel pose"!

Wellness tip of the month: Fun doesn't cost a thing! We often think that if we don't have disposable income available, we can't have fun. FALSE!! Fun itself does not cost a thing. Fun is a state of mind; a feeling of joy from an experience. While there are plenty of experiences out there that require money to enjoy them, there are even more that don't. We have listed a number of activities above in number four of the challenge; do absolutely nothing, movie marathon, go fishing, read a book outside in your hammock, take a bubble bath, go to the beach…or lake…or river…find water, tend your garden, go for a drive or have a picnic in nature. A few more examples include: go to the zoo or museum on their free entry days, play a board or card game with friends or family, meet up to play a sport with friends, volunteer, visit a farmers market, window shop, go for a walk, explore a new area of town, ride your bike, have a backyard campout, star gaze, jam out to music, learn a new craft or hobby, host a garage sale (and then use the money for another fun activity!), or visit your local animal shelter and play with the animals. Remember, fun is simply the feeling we have when we are enjoying ourselves. Money has nothing to do with it. Don't limit yourself to activities that will break your bank. Think outside of the box, and go find yourself some fun!

"I know unless I'm true to myself, I couldn't be happy. Too much emphasis is placed today on externals and too little on character." -Betty White

Thank you for being a pivotal part of our journey here at Crum Consulting. We would be nothing without you, and your continued support. Please feel free to share our content with others to pay it forward. We relish in receiving feedback, so if you have any suggestions or if you'd like to share your opinion on any of the content we have provided here, please let us know! If you have any questions about anything we covered here, or if you'd like to explore potential opportunities with Crum Consulting, we are here for you! Reach out anytime!

Until we meet again, take care of yourself, and others. Thank you.


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