Newsletter; June 2024
Happy June! Each month we strive to provide you with a variety of helpful resources, tips, and practices to support your continued success, both personally and professionally. Because we work with a diverse demographic of clients, industries, and backgrounds, we aim to provide content equally as diverse. If a particular section doesn't resonate with you, that's okay! Our hope is that everyone can find at least one gold nugget per issue.
Below, you will find information on this month's article from Crum Consulting, this month's development challenge, as well as general wellness reminders. We have a number of knowledge-forward articles available that explore a variety of professional and personal topics, all of which will challenge your current perspective, and push your continued growth. Each month, we aim to provide you with a new challenge to help facilitate your ongoing growth. These challenges will range in topics and applications, in an effort to focus on a variety of aspects of your life. If you are a recurring client with us, we will be following up on this month's challenge with you in session. If you don't currently have any sessions set up with us, and would like to discuss this challenge and others like it, please feel free to reach out to schedule a session with us! You can reply directly here if we have worked together in the past. If you are a new client, please click here to fill out a consultation form, and we will be in touch to schedule a session with you. We also provide new wellness reminders in the form of our stretch of the month, and wellness tip. Regardless of your background, these reminders will help improve your day to day health and wellness.
June Article: This month's article is: Growth Through Vulnerability. Opening ourselves up to another human, baring our soul and experiences, sharing our thoughts and opinions - practicing vulnerability is the art of breaking down your walls and sharing the layers of your core self. If you have any questions surrounding this month's article, or would like to further explore opportunities, please feel free to reach out to schedule a session with us! You can reply directly here if we have worked together in the past. If you are a new client, please click here to fill out a consultation form, and we will be in touch to schedule a session with you.
June Challenge: I challenge you to audit your workplace and employee safety.
→In-Person Workplace Standards: In an office setting, some of the basics to cover are ensuring evacuation routes are established and clearly posted, fire extinguishers are mounted and inspected according to fire inspection standards, and ensuring first aid kits are available to all employees. A few additional standards to consider for more industrial settings include, regular preventative maintenance on all equipment, hand and eye wash stations mounted where required, and proper lifting and handling procedures clearly posted.
→General Standards: Regardless of workplace setting, a few general safety standards include safety and training certifications for all specialty equipment, creating and implementing a safety manual, providing basic education of first aid, assisting with access to specialty training, reviewing emergency procedures regularly, and having open safety discussions during company meetings at least twice a year.
→Employee Standards: The safety and welfare of our employees should always be a top priority, but often get overlooked. There are a number of ways to implement safety standards for your teams, including mental health check-ins during one-on-ones, providing access to healthcare (whether internally or through government agencies), having employees participate in safety feedback surveys twice a year, implementing a safety team or representative to champion safety initiatives, implementing health and wellness company challenges, providing incentives for healthy habits, ensuring employees are taking their breaks, providing mental health days for your employees, and so much more.
Stretch of the month: Reclining Hero Pose - this pose stretches the abdomen, thighs and deep hip flexors (psoas), knees, and ankles. It also strengthens the arches, relieves tired legs, improves digestion, and helps relieves the symptoms of menstrual pain. Click the (external) link to learn more, or simply google "reclining hero pose"!
Wellness tip of the month: Do you battle with guilt or regret? Are you holding onto a grudge that's weighing you down? Have you struggled with forgiving yourself or others? It's time to LET IT GO! Keeping these types of feelings under the surface have been proven to cause significant negative impacts on the body and mind. They can often bleed into other aspects of our lives, skewing our perception of unrelated situations. Essentially, the longer we hold onto these types of feelings, the more we are reconditioning our brain to accept this as the standard. The avalanche effect of these feelings is truly impactful, and a little terrifying when you think about it. Yet, by letting these types of feelings go, we experience relief, validation, and peace. And, you will likely have the best night's sleep you've had in quite some time. If you need an extra boost to explore and release these feelings, Let It Go day is 6/23, and encourages you to acknowledge and cut loose all of those worries and regrets. Explore. Acknowledge. Release. LET IT GO!
"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." -Thomas Jefferson
Thank you for being a pivotal part of our journey here at Crum Consulting. We would be nothing without you, and your continued support. Please feel free to share our content with others to pay it forward. We relish in receiving feedback, so if you have any suggestions or if you'd like to share your opinion on any of the content we have provided here, please let us know! If you have any questions about anything we covered here, or if you'd like to explore potential opportunities with Crum Consulting, we are here for you! Reach out anytime!
Until we meet again, take care of yourself, and others. Thank you.