The Right Time Mirage
Success Cole Crum Success Cole Crum

The Right Time Mirage

Change is often viewed as a daunting endeavor, especially within the context of running a business. The illusion of the "perfect time" to implement change can act as a significant barrier, preventing meaningful progress and growth.

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Damnit Past Self!
Success Cole Crum Success Cole Crum

Damnit Past Self!

We have all experienced a moment in our lives where our present self curses our past self for their procrastination. While a common habit for many, procrastination can have significant consequences that impact various aspects of life.

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Victory from Failure
Refresh Cole Crum Refresh Cole Crum

Victory from Failure

As a society, we have been conditioned to fear failure; to feel shame, regret, and remorse. Yet, without failure, we cannot grow. Failure challenges our current perspectives, as we have an unyielding drive to survive and thrive. We cannot simply roll over and accept the failure, but instead must learn how to overcome and push forward even stronger.

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Reset, Refresh, Renew
Success Cole Crum Success Cole Crum

Reset, Refresh, Renew

As we enter a new year, we cannot help but to already start looking forward; visualize a twelve month path laid out in front of you, and you’re standing on day one. Too often, we forget to start where we are, and instead jump out ahead of our present reality. Being proactive by looking ahead and planning is a wonderful behavior to practice regularly, so long as your vision starts where you are presently.

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