Control the Controllables
As diverse and dynamic leaders, it's crucial to focus on what we can control, rather than being overwhelmed by the uncontrollable. "Control the controllables" is more than just a mantra; it's a strategic approach to maintaining clarity, accountability, and ease in your professional journey.

Post-It Life
Do you find yourself forgetting variable tasks?
Have you missed out on million dollar ideas because you wrote them down and then forgot about them in the abyss?
Are your to-do lists so long that they’ve become unmanageable and inefficient?
You are not alone!!

Creating Consistency
The goal of any business in any sector is to be able to automate as many processes as possible in order to minimize overhead expenses. Prior to automation, your business must be able to provide consistency across all processes. And, in order to provide consistency, you must first establish your business standards. It all starts with developing and documenting your Standard Operating Procedures, or SOPs.

The Mystery of Operations
Operations is not necessarily client-facing, but the results of the work executed are absolutely client-facing. Because of this veil, many business owners put off establishing their operational foundation.

Goals vs. Tasks - Part IV
With our SMART goals vetted and ready for action items, we now move into the process of developing the tasks that will help us to reach our goals.

Goals vs. Tasks - Part III
With our SMART goals vetted and ready for action items, we now move into the process of developing the tasks that will help us to reach our goals.

Goals vs. Tasks - Part II
Goals and tasks go hand-in-hand. You cannot successfully accomplish one without the other.

Goals vs. Tasks - Part I
Goals and tasks go hand-in-hand. You cannot successfully accomplish one without the other. Yet, to have any chance of success, they must not be seen as interchangeable.