Celebrate Good Times, Come On!
Picture this: you set up your day, dive into your to-do list with enthusiasm, only to be derailed 15 minutes in. The next three hours are consumed by an unplanned task, leaving you scrambling to regain your footing. When the day ends, instead of feeling accomplished, you feel more behind than when you started.

Reimagined Work Week
It can be incredibly frustrating as a business owner, to experience the moments when the input of your business (work orders, sales, inquiries, etc.) exceed the output of your business (the execution of the input, and, the catalyst for the revenue). Understanding the dynamics of productivity within a typical workday is crucial for business owners aiming to optimize their operations.

It Is My Pleasure
Beyond the cultural and regional differences in our speech patterns, lies our intent. If you intend to pitch someone a sale in a conversation, that is exactly how you will be perceived. If you intend to help someone by filling a need, that is exactly how you will be perceived.

Growth Through Vulnerability
Opening ourselves up to another human, baring our soul and experiences, sharing our thoughts and opinions - practicing vulnerability is the art of breaking down your walls and sharing the layers of your core self.

Hiding in Plain Sight - Part II
At any given moment, you could be overlooking top talent and lifelong investments that are hiding in plain sight. Don’t miss out on these opportunities for your business. Ensure that the core values of your business are woven into the core of the business, and that you set the right people up for success with the right role for them. Your next all-star could already be hiding in plain sight.

Hiding in Plain Sight - Part I
Top performers and hidden talents are often overlooked for their consistency and alternative contributions. By weaving the core values of your business into the core of your business, you will illuminate and elevate the employees that operate with what’s best for the business at the forefront of every decision and action.

Leading vs. Bossing
Are you a leader, or a boss? While most people in management roles these days will identify themselves as a leader, how much of that identity is true, and how much has been cultivated by the persona we are expected to embody?